Friday 15 November 2013

The Most Trendy Hair colors style 2013 ^_^

And now... im not share about im sharing about " The Most Trendy Hair Color Style "
I think, you'all know what i wanna share is.... OMBRE HAIR, do you know about ombre hair? Ok,if u dont know,i'll tell about them ^_^
Ombre hair refers to hair color fading from dark to light, or vice versa. Instead of the color starting from the roots, it gradually becomes lighter, or darker, towards the ends. The word "ombre" in French means shadow

Aahhh i wanna huv ombre hair,but i cant because im still student :") but last month, i've done to dyed my hair to Red,Blue and blone xD its seems like ombre too.. hahah

And now,lets look together the Ombre hair :

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